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Video Courses

Unit 4: Weather For Preschoolers

100% Free
Time to complete
4.42 Attendance Hours

How it Works

  • Learn at Your Own Pace

    You don’t have to finish the course all in one sitting. In fact, we recommend you take this course a little bit at a time, incorporating what you’ve learned in the classroom.

  • Free Guided Resources

    As you go through a course, we’ll introduce you to free resources that will help you implement what you’re learning.

  • Never Learn Alone

    Have a question on what you’re learning in the course or how to use a resource? Reach out to the Cox Campus community for advice or to lend a helping hand to others.


  1. Lesson 1

    Pop-Up: Weather Preschool Day 1

     Duration 60  minutes
    You’ll hear all about what happens when the wind won’t stop blowing when Ms. Peggy reads “And the Wind Blew.” Then try to catch some wind yourself with a homemade kite.
  2. Lesson 2

    Pop-Up: Weather Preschool Day 2

     Duration 70  minutes
    Use the words you learn during the read aloud of “Weather” by Lisa M. Gerry to become a weather forecaster for your family.
  3. Lesson 3

    Pop-Up: Weather Preschool Day 3

     Duration 75  minutes
    Find out how Frederick the artist (and mouse) prepares for the winter and then make some art of your own.
  4. Lesson 4

    Pop-Up: Weather Preschool Day 4

     Duration 50  minutes
    Have you ever been stuck in the mud? Read My Truck is Stuck, act it out, and then go on a rainbow matching hunt.
  5. Lesson 5

    Pop-Up: Weather Preschool Day 5

     Duration 10  minutes
    Today is Fun Friday! What will we be doing today?


The Cox Campus is the digital outreach platform for the Rollins Center for Language & Literacy. Our team is composed of experienced teachers, early learning and language experts, neuroscientists, school leaders, speech language pathologists and authorities in adult learning and curriculum design to give all children access to the Science of Reading to change the odds for all children.

The Rollins Center, of the Atlanta Speech School, in some cases, may allow an instructor, facilitator, content editor or a subject matter expert or consultant with proprietary interests to conduct professional development activities at Rollins events, provided that appropriate disclosure of such interest is made. Disclosure of proprietary interest will be made on course material and at the beginning of the course/learning event, when applicable.


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